test GCC COMPILER SOURCE RLE COMP ON ITS OWN FreeArc 0.67 (November 12 2011) creating archive: Compressed\Setup-1.bin Compressing 4,263 files, 158,857,636 bytes. Processed 49.6% Compressing 158,857,636 bytes with COMP.exe -C $$arcdatafile$$.tmp $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp 100.0% Errorlevel=0 Compressed 4,263 files, 158,857,636 => 293,593,806 bytes. Ratio 184.8% Compression time: cpu 1.25 secs, real 12.64 secs. Speed 12,565 kB/s All OK RLECOMP+THOR FreeArc 0.67 (November 12 2011) creating archive: Compressed\Setup-1.bin Compressing 4,263 files, 158,857,636 bytes. Processed 29.1% Compressing 158,857,636 bytes with COMP.exe -C $$arcdatafile$$.tmp $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp 29.7% Errorlevel=0 Compressing 293,593,806 bytes with THOR.exe e1 $$arcdatafile$$.tmp $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=[ THOR ]=- v0.96 alpha Oscar Garcia WARNING! Evaluation version. May contain bugs. Use only for TESTING. - Compressing... 100%. 74% - Done. FILES: 1 SIZE: 293593806 bytes COMPRESSED: 97941778 bytes RATIO: 33.36% 2.669 bpB TIME: 0sec 922msec SPEED: 303.68 MB/sec Errorlevel=0 Compressed 4,263 files, 158,857,636 => 97,941,778 bytes. Ratio 61.6% Compression time: cpu 1.45 secs, real 13.58 secs. Speed 11,699 kB/s All OK Press any key to continue . . . THOR Press any key to continue . . . COmpression methods ARC=precomp+msc+srep+delta+lzma. FreeArc 0.67 (November 12 2011) creating archive: Compressed\Setup-1.bin Compressing 4,263 files, 158,857,636 bytes. Processed 49.6% Compressing 158,857,636 bytes with THOR.exe e1 $$arcdatafile$$.tmp $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=[ THOR ]=- v0.96 alpha Oscar Garcia WARNING! Evaluation version. May contain bugs. Use only for TESTING. - Compressing... 100%. 84% - Done. FILES: 1 SIZE: 158857636 bytes COMPRESSED: 56710542 bytes RATIO: 35.70% 2.856 bpB TIME: 0sec 672msec SPEED: 225.44 MB/sec Errorlevel=0 Compressed 4,263 files, 158,857,636 => 56,710,542 bytes. Ratio 35.6% Compression time: cpu 1.17 secs, real 1.74 secs. Speed 91,169 kB/s All OK